Follow Contests Live

From your own home and on any device, you can follow our competitions! If you can't make it to the competition venue, you can watch the event LIVE here!

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FAQ - Veel gestelde vragen

Onze livestreams zijn alleen beschikbaar gedurende een NPC Benelux wedstrijd. Check de wedstrijdcalender voor de wedstrijd tijden. Voor/na een wedstrijd en in de pauzes wordt een advertentieblok afgespeelt. 


Our livestreams are only availible during NPC Benelux competitions. Check the competition calandar for start and end times. Before/after and during breaks we play ads. 

De volgende betaalmethoden zijn momenteel geaccepteerd: Credit/Debit card en PayPal. 

U kunt met aankoop van een ticket op 1 apperaat tegelijk inloggen en de stream bekijken.
Heeft u een probleem met de streamsleutel of wachtwoord? Bekijk dan uw spambox en mail.
Voor extra ondersteuning of vragen kunt u mailen naar info@newage.media


Currently we only accept Credit/Debit Card and paypal payments. 

With the purchase of a streaming ticket you can view on one device at the same time. 
If you are facing issues with your stream key/password be sure to check your spam folder. 
If you require more assistance contact us at info@newage.media


NPC Benelux doet haar best om waar mogelijk livestreaming aan te bieden. Sommige bieden echter onvoldoende kijkersaantallen/deelname om de extra kosten van een livestream te rechtvaardigen. Op onze Instagram worden livestreams aangekondigd. 

NPC Benelux tries it’s best to provide livestreaming whenever possible. However, some soms provide insufficient viewercounts/participation to warrant the added cost of a livestream. All livestreams will be announced on our Instagram.

Stagephotos & Videos NPC Benelux

New Age Media New Age Media is the only official partner for Livestreaming, Stagephoto’s, Stagevideos and Music for the NPC Benelux. We take pride in selecting top tier photographers/videographers to capture your contest shape live! We also send the official stagephoto’s to the NPC worldwide federation after every competition.

Officiele NPC Benelux Stagephoto Agreement

  1. Upon purchase, you will receive all high resolution professional photos featuring you that are sent to the NPC Federation. This includes individual posing pictures, comparisons, and, if available, trophy presentations.

  2. We cannot guarantee a fixed number of photos to be delivered, but the average participant receives between 5 and 15 photos per purchased class, and of course the video of the presentation or posing round.

  3. We aim to deliver all photos within two weeks after the competition.

  4. No refunds possible. Payment in cash or by card during registration at the weigh-in or after the show. The complete Stage Photo & Video package costs €121 incl. VAT at every NPC Benelux event. (€155,- invl VAT on the Euro Muscle Show)

  5. Payment is per competition. If you participate in two competitions on the same weekend, you must pay for both competitions or choose one. The same rules apply when participating in two competitions on the same date.

  6. Did you participate in an event and not purchase the stage photos? No worries. We have photos of every participant according to NPC requirements. You can always purchase your photos after the competition by contacting us at: info@newage.media.

  7. If you encounter any issues with your images or the delivery of the content, please DO NOT contact the NPC Benelux or the respective show promotor. The promotor cannot assist you with these issues. Kindly contact us directly using info@newage.media or use the live chat on our website: https://newage.media. These are the quickest ways to have your problems resolved!

Did you send us your posing music?

If your division has an individual posing routine please upload it before registration closes through the Muscleware Platform. You can do this during initial registration or with your login. Make sure you posing routine is max. 1 minute long and is cut to your desired start/end points.

We start all posing songs at 00:00. It is not possible to scrub to your desired startpoint during a live contest.

Copyright © – IFBB Professional Leaugue & NPC Benelux